Q. 상품 별 오프라인 매출 구하기 | Level 2
select p.product_code, (sum(os.sales_amount) * p.price) as sales
from offline_sale os
left join product p on os.product_id = p.product_id
group by os.product_id
order by sales desc, p.product_code asc
Q. 조건에 맞는 도서와 저자 리스트 출력하기 | Level 2
select b.book_id , a.author_name, DATE_FORMAT(b.published_date, "%Y-%m-%d") as published_date
from author a
inner join book b on a.author_id = b.author_id and b.category = '경제'
order by b.published_date asc
Q. 없어진 기록 찾기 | Level 3
/* 오답!
select ao.animal_id,
from animal_outs ao
inner join animal_ins ai on ao.animal_id != ai.animal_id
order by ao.animal_id;
select ao.animal_id,
from animal_outs ao
left join animal_ins ai on ao.animal_id = ai.animal_id
where ai.animal_id is null
order by ao.animal_id;
-- !! a left join b on a.key = b.key where b.key is null 조건 !
Q. 있었는데요 없었습니다 | Level 3
select ai.animal_id,
from animal_ins ai
inner join animal_outs ao on ai.animal_id = ao.animal_id
where ao.datetime < ai.datetime
order by ai.datetime
Q. 오랜 기간 보호한 동물(1) | Level 3
select, ai.datetime
from animal_ins ai
left join animal_outs ao on ai.animal_id = ao.animal_id
where ao.animal_id is null
order by ai.datetime asc
limit 3
Q. 특정 기간동안 대여 가능한 자동차들의 대여비용 구하기 | Level 4 >> 하는 즁 !
/* 오답
, A.car_type
, round(daily_fee*30*(1-discount_rate/100),0) as fee
from (
select *
from car_rental_company_car crcc
where crcc.car_type in ('세단', 'SUV')
and crcc.car_id not in (
select crcrh.car_id -- 대여 불가 (기간 내 대여중)
from car_rental_company_rental_history crcrh
where crcrh.start_date between '2022-11-01' and '2022-12-01'
or crcrh.end_date between '2022-11-01' and '2022-12-01'
) A
left join (
select *
from car_rental_company_discount_plan crcdp
where crcdp.duration_type like "30%"
order by discount_rate desc
) B
on A.car_type = B.car_type
-- fee 조건 ...
order by fee desc, car_type asc, car_id desc
-- 대여 start_date, end_date 조건 주의 !
-- (1-DISCOUNT_RATE/100) 계산식
Q. 5월 식품들의 총매출 조회하기 | Level 4
Q. 주문량이 많은 아이스크림들 조회하기 | Level 4
Q. 그룹별 조건에 맞는 식당 목록 출력하기 | Level 4
Q. 보호소에서 중성화한 동물 | Level 4
Q. FrontEnd 개발자 찾기 | Level 4
Q. 상품을 구매한 회원 비율 구하기 | Level 5
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